Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pros of the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy Essay

My topic was about the proÂ’s of the overthrow of the monarchy. A few of the reasons why the overthrow of the monarchy was good was because Hawaii started to become multi-cultural . Being multi-cultural can be looked upon as good if you see it as a way to diversify our cultures. Not to many states are as diversified as Hawaii which is special, some people are only one race like me but a lot of people here are a combination of many different ethnicities like Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiian, Samoan, black, and white this combination of all the ethnicities is what makes the people here that live in Hawaii unique. Another reason why the overthrow of the monarchy was good was because it ultimately it led up to the annexation of Hawaii to the US. When we became a U.S. territory Hawaii improved. Hawaii gained a sewer system, great fortunes were made by the industry people like the sugar and pineapple plantation owners, and also the real estate business boomed. A very important thing that happen when we became the 50th state of the U.S. was that America extended the bill of rights which gave women the right to vote. Before in the monarchy only 21 year old white male that could read and write English could vote. This gave women and men and the Hawaiian people more rights. Another pro of what the overthrow of the monarchy is that now there was not only one ruler. Instead of it being only one ruler it became a democracy. Even thought the system of 1 dictator was working out so far the island of Hawaii was rapidly changing and only having one monarch would probably not have fit the need of all that was happening in the islands. There was the needs of the native Hawaiian that was probably the most important to her, the needs of the sugar cane and pineapple owners. The plantations owner would want more land and so would the Hawaiians the needs of everybody on the island could have gotten too out of control for just 1 monarch to handle so having a democratic government would solve the need for all of that. Even though some Hawaiians feel that the overthrow of the monarchy was a bad thing there are some Hawaiians that actually think that the overthrow of the monarchy was a good thing. Earl Arakaki from ‘Ewa Beach wrote in a letter to the editor that that annexation to the United States was the best thing that  could happen to Hawaii, both for the native and foreign population. I am proud to be a part of the united states and IÂ’m proud to be a native Hawaiian. Some Hawaiians accepted these changes and have adapted them into their lifestyles. Called the bi-cultural Hawaiians, they took the best from both worlds. In a diary entry that Queen Liliokalani wrote she said and I quote “Tho’ for a moment (the overthrow) cost me a pang of pain for my people, it was only momentary, for the present has a hope for the future of my people.”Hawaiian people are quite diverse of the subject on the overthrow of the monarchy although the native Hawaiian view point has been expresses many times there is always more than one side of a storyOur group opinion of the overthrow of the monarchy was bad because many Hawaiians lost the very culture that made them individual to the other races. Having the Hawaiian monarchy taken away from the Hawaiians was as if something you were really used to and were just fine with ripped away from you and told that it was wrong and you should start to live the way that we live and not even having a say in it. We also think that the overthrow of the monarchy was good too in a way because if the overthrow wouldnÂ’t have happened then like where would we be now? Some of us might not have ever met or even been born. Its like some of our parents would have never met and the way that Hawaii is now would be way, way different Bibliography Pat, Pitzer. â€Å"The Overthrow of the Monarchy.† Hawaiian Independence. May 1994. 20 August 2006 . Samuel Kaluna, Kaluna. â€Å"Hawaii is not legally a state!.† 21 August 2007 .

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