Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Carmen :: essays research papers

Carmen is a story about a girl who is only fourteen years old and she deals with moving to a new neighborhood and her abusive, alcoholic father. As she deals with her father’s problems and her mother’s denial she quickly falls into a life of drugs and despair, which will follow her throughout most of her life. It all starts with Carmen and her family moving from Brooklyn to New Jersey they find a bigger house and buy lavish furniture that they cannot afford.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Her dad has always been an alcoholic, but lately he has become aggressive and lashes out at Carmen and her mother. After he tries to strangle Carmen she tries to run away and finally succeeds on her second attempt. Carmen then lives with her friend Lulu for awhile and she becomes addicted to heroin. Carmen meets two people through Lulu: Nancy and Bud. Bud grows fond of Carmen and she decides to live with Bud who is a drug dealer, but after she repeatedly steals drugs from him, he kicks Carmen out. Carmen who has no place to go, walks around the subway for hours and Nancy recognizes her and offers Carmen a place to stay by introducing her to Hugh and Gene, they are two men that protect her and they are known as pimps. Carmen turns to prostitution because it is the only way to pay for the drugs she uses. One day Hugh is caught and charged with operating a business illegally and Carmen becomes bored quickly and moves to the Bronx to find more work. Carmen then meets Vinnie, a man who enjoys her company and sometimes gives her money out of pity for her situation. Vinnie starts to use heroin while Carmen is away and he too becomes addicted to the drug. Vinnie’s personality changes and he is desperate for money and a way to get high, so he and Carmen plan to burglarize a home of a recently deceased person. They break into the house while the funeral takes place and as they attempt to leave, the police arrest both Carmen and Vinnie. They are put in jail and enter a drug abuse program. Carmen and Vinnie are released after ninety days and they both turn to drugs again. One day Carmen walks down an avenue and Nancy recognizes her and stops to talk. Carmen is asked by Nancy to baby sit her son Tommy and she agrees to watch him for a little while so Nancy can run some errands. Carmen :: essays research papers Carmen is a story about a girl who is only fourteen years old and she deals with moving to a new neighborhood and her abusive, alcoholic father. As she deals with her father’s problems and her mother’s denial she quickly falls into a life of drugs and despair, which will follow her throughout most of her life. It all starts with Carmen and her family moving from Brooklyn to New Jersey they find a bigger house and buy lavish furniture that they cannot afford.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Her dad has always been an alcoholic, but lately he has become aggressive and lashes out at Carmen and her mother. After he tries to strangle Carmen she tries to run away and finally succeeds on her second attempt. Carmen then lives with her friend Lulu for awhile and she becomes addicted to heroin. Carmen meets two people through Lulu: Nancy and Bud. Bud grows fond of Carmen and she decides to live with Bud who is a drug dealer, but after she repeatedly steals drugs from him, he kicks Carmen out. Carmen who has no place to go, walks around the subway for hours and Nancy recognizes her and offers Carmen a place to stay by introducing her to Hugh and Gene, they are two men that protect her and they are known as pimps. Carmen turns to prostitution because it is the only way to pay for the drugs she uses. One day Hugh is caught and charged with operating a business illegally and Carmen becomes bored quickly and moves to the Bronx to find more work. Carmen then meets Vinnie, a man who enjoys her company and sometimes gives her money out of pity for her situation. Vinnie starts to use heroin while Carmen is away and he too becomes addicted to the drug. Vinnie’s personality changes and he is desperate for money and a way to get high, so he and Carmen plan to burglarize a home of a recently deceased person. They break into the house while the funeral takes place and as they attempt to leave, the police arrest both Carmen and Vinnie. They are put in jail and enter a drug abuse program. Carmen and Vinnie are released after ninety days and they both turn to drugs again. One day Carmen walks down an avenue and Nancy recognizes her and stops to talk. Carmen is asked by Nancy to baby sit her son Tommy and she agrees to watch him for a little while so Nancy can run some errands.

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